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URL Types: Dynamic, Formula

URL Instructions:

Note: You will need a Local Administrator User Name and Password in order to construct ProQuest formula URLs.

  1. Log in to the Local Administrator site,
  2. From the Menu, select "Create Links to ProQuest Databases".
  3. Fill out the form as appropriate and select the option to generate the URL.
  4. On the next screen you will see the resulting link. Click on this link with your right mouse button and select the option to Copy Shortcut.

URL Example:[your key]


  1. Persistent URLs on the article level are available by producing a list of marked articles and checking the tab "My Research Summary."
  2. Some institutions have reported access problems related to ProQuest cookies. If you suspect a cookie-based problem, go to the ProQuest Cookie Cutter page and reset your browser.
  3. OpenURLs can be constructed to create links to journal titles and articles. Consult Linking to ProQuest.
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