PALMM : Publication of Archival Library & Museum Materials
Vendor Web Site:
URL Types: Dynamic, Formula
URL Instructions:
- Get the complete information for the journals available from
- The URL formula is:;cc=jonn;view=text;rgn=main;idno=SN[issn: 8 digits only, no hyphen]_[volume number: 4 digits]_[issue number: 3 digits]
- where:
- SN0022300X - where SNXXXXXX is the issn, prefixed by SN
- _0027 - the volume number
- _001 - the issue number
URL Example:;cc=jonn;view=text;rgn=main;idno=SN0022300X_0027_001
Comments: The State University System of Florida PALMM Project provides access to Journal of Nematology, and other entomology titles.
Links are only to the issue level - PDFs aren't linkable as they work on the ?th article for an issue.
The actual url isn't always obvious from the address bar of your browser.
page revision: 6, last edited: 10 Sep 2008 21:45