PALMM : Publication of Archival Library & Museum Materials

Vendor Web Site:

URL Types: Dynamic, Formula

URL Instructions:

  1. Get the complete information for the journals available from
  2. The URL formula is:;cc=jonn;view=text;rgn=main;idno=SN[issn: 8 digits only, no hyphen]_[volume number: 4 digits]_[issue number: 3 digits]

- where:

  • SN0022300X - where SNXXXXXX is the issn, prefixed by SN
  • _0027 - the volume number
  • _001 - the issue number

URL Example:;cc=jonn;view=text;rgn=main;idno=SN0022300X_0027_001

Comments: The State University System of Florida PALMM Project provides access to Journal of Nematology, and other entomology titles.
Links are only to the issue level - PDFs aren't linkable as they work on the ?th article for an issue.
The actual url isn't always obvious from the address bar of your browser.

Unless otherwise stated, the content of this page is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 License